Pellet Grills vs Charcoal Grills

Pellet grills and charcoal grills are two popular options for outdoor cooking, each with its own unique features and characteristics. In this article we're exploring the differences between these grills and fuel types. 

One of the notable differences between pellet and charcoal grills is the flavour they impart to the food. Pellet grills use wood pellets made from different types of hardwood, such as hickory, mesquite, or applewood. These pellets infuse a distinct smoky flavour into the food, allowing for a wide range of flavour profiles. On the other hand, charcoal grills provide a more traditional smoky flavour that is often associated with outdoor grilling.

Traeger Signature Blend Pellets 9kg  Weber Wood Chips (900g)
Traeger Signature Blend Pellets 9kg
Weber Wood Chips (900g)
Weber SmokeFire Wood Pellets 9kg
traeger Cherry Wood Pellets 9kg
Weber SmokeFire Wood Pellets 9kg Traeger Cherry Wood Pellets 9kg

Charcoal grills have the advantage of reaching higher temperatures compared to pellet grills. Depending on the grill size and type of charcoal used, charcoal grills can achieve temperatures to about 450°C. This high heat makes them suitable for searing meats and achieving a crispy exterior. Pellet grills, on the other hand, generally have a temperature range of 80°C to 260°C, which is suitable for slow cooking, smoking, and baking.

Masterbuilt Gravity Series™ 1050 Digital Charcoal Grill & Smoker
Primo Oval L All-In-One CHarcoal Grill
Masterbuilt Gravity Series™ 1050 Digital Charcoal Grill & Smoker  Primo Oval L All-In-One


Cooking Time
Charcoal, which has been the most popular grilling choice of flavour enthusiasts for many years, takes longer to heat up and because charcoal grills can reach higher temperatures, which makes them suitable for quick grilling or searing. Pellet grills heat up faster but excel in slow cooking and smoking, as they maintain a consistent low temperature over an extended period. 

Traeger Pro Series 575

 Traeger Pro Series Pellet Grill 575

Traeger Ranger Pellet Grill

Traeger Ranger Pellet Grill


In terms of efficiency, pellet grills are often considered more convenient and user-friendly. They feature automated temperature control systems that allow for precise temperature adjustments and even cooking. Additionally, pellet grills use an electric-powered auger to feed the wood pellets into the fire, ensuring consistent heat and minimising the need for manual intervention. Most charcoal grills require manual control of airflow and charcoal distribution to maintain desired temperatures, which may require more attention and expertise. The Masterbuilt Gravity Series however, has The GravityFed™ charcoal hopper feature, which holds up to 8 hours of charcoal and gravity ensures you have constant fuel to the fire.

Kamado Joe Big Block XL Charcoal 9kg

Kamado Joe Big Block XL Charcoal 9kg

 Kingfisher Mangrove Lump Wood Charcoal 10kg

Kingfisher Mangrove Lump Wood Charcoal 10kg

Heat Beads® Hardwood Lump Charcoal 10kg

Heat Beads® Hardwood Lump Charcoal 10kg

Weber BBQ Briquettes 10kg Weber BBQ Briquettes 10kg

Grill & Fuel Price

Generally, pellet grills tend to be more expensive upfront due to their advanced technology and automated functions. When it comes to fuel prices, wood pellets used in pellet grills can be more costly than charcoal. However, the overall fuel expenses depend on factors such as cooking frequency, grill size

Pellet grills and charcoal grills offer distinct cooking experiences. Pellet grills provide versatility, automated temperature control, and a range of wood pellet flavours, while charcoal grills offer higher heat capabilities and a traditional smoky taste. Consider your cooking preferences, desired flavours, budget, and convenience when choosing between these two types of grills. Still not quite sure? Get in touch and one of our team members would be happy to help you decide.



The Outdoor Concepts Team

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